Welcome to Bonny Slope Elementary
We're glad you're here, Bobcats!
Whether your child is starting Kindergarten, or you’ve recently moved to Bonny Slope, here is some key information for making your transition to Bonny Slope Elementary (BSE) a smooth one.

Kindergarten Families
Don't worry; they are going to do great!
Attend Kindergarten Orientation held in the spring before your child is due to begin school (April 16th, 2025)
Register your child to attend Bonny Slope Elementary
Follow bsco_bonnyslope and bonnyslope BSD on Instagram
Have your child attend Kindergarten Academy at Bonny Slope Elementary - August. Check with the school for dates
Attend one (or more) of the Playground Play dates in August to get to know classmates and other families at the school
Get school supplies and bring them with you to Meet the Teacher night
First day of school depends on your child's last name. Watch for information on when to attend
Parents: get background-checked and become a volunteer
See below for more New Family tips, best practices, and information
New School, Who Dis?
Families with new 1st - 5th graders
Register your child to attend Bonny Slope Elementary
Follow bsco_bonnyslope and bonnyslope BSD on Instagram
Attend one (or more) of the Playground Playdates in August to get to know classmates and other families at the school
Get school supplies and bring them with you to Meet the Teacher night
Parents: get background-checked and become a volunteer
See below for more New Family tips, best practices, and information

Let's get started
Stay Informed
The Beaverton School District uses the ParentSquare platform for district, school and teacher communications, primarily with email, text and app notifications. You will also receive our BSCO Newsletter, and the BSE PawPrints newsletter, through ParentSquare. This is also where you can find all of the volunteer opportunities at the school.
ParentVUE is a web portal that allows parents and guardians access to near real-time information on attendance, class schedules, class websites, course history, grade book, report cards and more. It is also used annually to confirm student enrollment information.
Follow BSCO on Instagram, Facebook, and grade-specific Facebook Groups for the latest on programs and upcoming events.
Join Us
The BSCO Board holds community meetings 3 times a year in October, January, and May, starting at 7:00pm. Meeting details and links are sent via ParentSquare prior to the meeting date. All Bonny Slope parents are welcome to attend and contribute.
All BSE school events and meetings are listed on the BSE school calendar.
Get Involved
Volunteers are essential to the success of Bonny Slope Elementary and include everything from Art Literacy, chaperoning field trips, production support, OBOB, picture day, library support & more.
All volunteers and visitors need to first complete an application and background check to create a profile in the district-wide Volunteer Management System.
Feed the Kiddos
SchoolCafe is a safe and secure online system for BSD parents and guardians to view school breakfast and lunch menus, deposit money onto their student’s cafeteria account, apply for meal benefits, and more.
School menus can also be found on the BSD Nutrition Services site.
Before & After School
Whether you’re looking for before/after-school childcare or a fun activity, there are several options available at the school:
Student Stop is a locally run organization providing daily before/after-school care at the school. Learn more and register your student at https://thestudentstop.org/
BSE arranges several programs each season for families wanting an extracurricular activity for their student at the school. These have previously included Yoga Playgrounds, and Play.Fit.Fun. Once confirmed, families can register directly with the provider. Details about the current offerings can be found on the BSD Before/After-School Activities page.