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Current Fundraising

Keep up to date on the different fundraising opportunities voted in by the community at the 2024 Fall Community Meeting.

Below you will be able to track the status of the various projects. As more information becomes available, new information will be added. Watch for estimates for the renovations, updates to timelines, and more.

As we progress, the community may be asked to vote again once we have firm numbers. If approved, information about our fundraising goals for each project will be included.

Track Renovation



Awaiting date for visit and full estimate for the track project.

Race Track

Community Vote

Once final numbers are known, and there is a sense of timeline, the community will be invited to approve moving forward with the project.

Track Project Fundraising

If the community approves the track project, extensive fundraising will be required.

Gym Floor Renovation

the FIP for this project was not approved by the district. No further efforts will be possible at this time.


Information coming soon!

11775 നോർത്ത് വെസ്റ്റ് മക്ഡാനിയൽ റോഡ്, പോർട്ട്ലാൻഡ്, OR, 97229, യുണൈറ്റഡ് സ്റ്റേറ്റ്സ്

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