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Happy Reader
Round Robin Battles begin
January 14th

Visit the Bonny Slope OBOB website to find out when your team is competing!

Volunteers are needed to support the battles. Check ParentSquare to sign up

Contact with questions.


Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-25

El calendario de eventos de BSCO.

Tu ayuda hace toda la diferencia.

Recaudaciones de fondos, eventos, semanas de espíritu escolar, oportunidades de enriquecimiento estudiantil: todo está aquí.

Enlace rápido al sitio web de Art Lit con información sobre las lecciones de arte mensuales para voluntarios.

Conéctese con las personas que tienen los conocimientos necesarios.

Enlace rápido a la página OBOB de Bonny Slope. Todo lo que necesitan saber los estudiantes y las familias.

Teacher Contract Negotiations

Resources to help you stay informed.

Community Resources for Parents

Beaverton Education Association
BEA is the Beaverton Teacher’s union and through their mission
they are committed to promoting, preserving, and improving public
education in Beaverton, Oregon, and beyond.

Community Petition: Link
Instagram: @BeavertonEA
Facebook: Link

Beaverton School District
The Beaverton School District includes 34 elementary
schools, nine middle schools, six high schools, five option
schools, 19 option programs and two charter schools.
They have more than 38,000 students and about 4,700
staff members.

IG: @BeavertonSD
Facebook: Link

Oregon Education Association
The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union that represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges.

Facebook: Link

Abundant Schools Beaverton
Beaverton Families and Community standing with educators
to fight for the abundant schools our students deserve.


Contract negotiation timeline

Updated 1/7/25

Strike timeline:

BSD and the BEA continue to work with a mediator and progress continues to be made. There will not be a strike unless either party declares an impasse, at which point the soonest possible strike date would be 30 days from that impasse. Teachers would give 10 days notice in advance of the strike.

Negotiation updates:

Information is available from the District in ParentSquare an on the BSD website and socials. Updates are also available on BEA socials.

Parent awareness - How does this impact your students?
Curriculum changes - lack of teacher autonomy 

  • Teaching planning/programming autonomy  - science night, salmon release, pottery, Gaga-ball, authors/artists, garden, field trips, egg drop, outdoor school, and more are benefits to students developed by the teachers at Bonny Slope. The new language in Article 8 would strip teachers of their autonomy to create and implement learning programs. 

Talent retention - 

  • Teachers lose the opportunity to be innovative and creative. BSD is fortunate to have many highly qualified teachers who have many years of experience. The loss of professional freedom to craft lessons for the students in their classroom will lead to lower student engagement, lower teacher engagement, and the possibility of teacher attrition.


Schedule changes -

  • Late start/early release days - lack of clarity on what teachers will be doing during that time. Article 11 would implement late start / early releases but there is no clarity about what that time will be used for.

What can parents do?

  • Directly email Melissa Potter who is a school board representative for the Beaverton School District at

  • Use the form letter on the BEA website to contact the school board

  • Sign the BEA petition in support of the Teachers

  • Stay educated by reading updates in ParentSquare, on the BSD and the BEA websites, and by following BSD and BEA socials

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El año de un vistazo

La organización comunitaria Bonny Slope, o BSCO, patrocina una amplia variedad de eventos y actividades durante el año escolar. Visite la página con frecuencia para obtener información sobre voluntariado, eventos y oportunidades de enriquecimiento del aprendizaje.

Puede encontrar el calendario oficial de la escuela primaria Bonny Slope aquí .


Al donar incluso una hora de su tiempo, mejora la vida de los estudiantes y el personal de BSE.

Hay muchas maneras de ser voluntario: en el aula, después del horario escolar, para eventos especiales y excursiones, dirigiendo un comité, liderando una recaudación de fondos, realizando trabajo de producción para profesores y mucho más.

Si eres nuevo en la escuela, ¡obtén la aprobación para ser voluntario hoy mismo!

**Hay un NUEVO sistema/proceso de voluntariado para el año escolar 2024-2025**

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Bueno saber...

Información y Capacitaciones

Llamada del líder del comité el martes 3 de septiembre a la 1:00 p. m. - Zoom

Llamada de orientación para voluntarios el lunes 9 de septiembre a las 12 p. m. - Zoom

Orientación para voluntarios el martes 10 de septiembre a las 7:00 p. m., en persona en la cafetería de BSE

Capacitación en sala de producción (por determinar)

Recepción y capacitación para voluntarios en alfabetización artística (por determinar)

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The Bonny Slope Yearbook committee is accepting submissions for the 2024-25 yearbook. Click the link below to visit the Yearbook submissions site. There you can upload your photos, get information about ordering, and get all the best information about all things Yearbook!

Follow us on Instagram

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